Monday, March 9, 2009

Why "Sisters in the Trinity"?

This question has been running through my mind for a while, and finally in Mass yesterday the answer flashed into my mind.  

There are plenty of "how-to" lists and books for keeping a house.  In addition, there are also plenty of "spiritual" development books, many good, some not so.  And most of us are familiar with Holly Pierlot's "A Mother's Rule of Life."

So, why did Marion and I begin our original The Little Way list on Yahoo!Groups?  And, perhaps, more importantly why are we continuing with this blog.

The answers are both simple and complex.  And here are my thoughts.

First, of all, if you already have a deep spiritual life keep at it.  What I've discovered in my own journey is that at times I am deeply involved, and others I need a reminder of where I've been, and ultimately where I am destined to be.  Our original Little Way list was an aid for me to keep on seeking after the good, the beautiful and the holy.

Second, if you already have a good idea of how to run your household while raising a family and homeschooling, terrific!  This blog might not be for you.  But, what I've come to discover over the years of correspondence with those who have been part of this, while many have great systems, what they desire is an overarching concept that helps raise their vocation of mother and wife into a higher realm.  This is what I seek, as well.  

Third, neither Marion or I claim to have the answers.  We hope to simply provide some ideas for you to ponder, employ or discard.  We know that as our own lives have changed our way of approaching our vocations have been transformed.  

Fourth, by sharing with you, and your comments back we hope to provide a sense of community for those who don't live in a wider faith community that supports them.   One of the attractions of cloistered life for me is the physical presence of sisters who offer support on a day to day basis.

But we don't live in a cloister, we live with the family that God has bestowed and blessed us with.  We live with challenges from our extended families, our neighborhoods, parishes and towns.   For me having this added dimension of an internet based support system is vital.  You all provide an anchor when I have my sensibilities shaken.  You all provide a ready knowing that I am loved and valued.  This certainly can't substitute for the real flesh and blood persons that God places before me.  But this avenue of support also gives me the ability to seek out the wisdom of others in the time that I have available.

So if you are similar in your desires, I do hope you enjoy, and comment on the posts in this blog.  Our goal isn't to form anyone in our own image.  Our goal is to provide a supporting community that seeks to allow God to form us in His image.  Oh, and those mundane tasks like laundry, cooking, cleaning, reading favorite stories to sleep children, and listening to a college age child who needs to heard are some of those ways of formation.

Your Sister in the Trinity,

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