Friday, November 9, 2012

African Adventure

Dear Sisters,

We have moved into the house we will be living in while here in Africa.  It is massive, in more ways than one.  Once again, as when we lived in Peru, we need a housekeeper.  English is the official language, so for the most part communication is good.  Now, add in my lack of a distinctly British accent, and the fact that English is not the first language, things can become again pantomimes.  I am confident everything will work.  May God's will be done.

For anyone wanting to read a more intimate (not too intimate, though) journal of our family's adventures here, please visit my blog:

The rainy season has not appeared yet, but each morning the clouds grow billowy and a breeze shakes the trees.  It is springtime here and the lawn has yet to recover from the dry season.

Setting up house has been like playing house.  I hope you all understand that I am a very competent, and confident home maker.  But, we purchases a set of cookware and an ironing board that remind me of the items we had for our children to play with when they were young.

I wanted to let you all know we did make it safely here, even with a few surprises, and that setting up the house is my main effort.

We'll pray for all of you, please pray for us, too!

Your Sister in the Trinity,

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